Dobb Edge - Peak District Walk
Friday 14th July 2017
Now the HNC is done I should have a lot more time for walking and so today I headed out for a walk to an area that I've not visited since 2011. Yet again I attempted to find the path across Gibbet Moor that I have read about and yet again, after a good start, I lost it, so plenty of very cautious picking my way through the heather, ferns and grass followed.
Start: Hell Bank Plantation (SK 2868 6807)
Route: Hell Bank Plantation - Hob Hurst's House - Gibbet Moor - Dobb Edge - Emperor Lake - Swiss Lake - Rabbit Warren - Hell Bank Plantation
Distance: 7.5 miles Ascent: 260 metres Time Taken: 4 hrs 20 mins
Terrain: Mix of easy paths and pathless sections
Weather: Overcast
Pub Visited: None Ale Drunk: None

I know it's been a while since I've been here but the view is a bit different now the trees have been cut down.

Now the trees have been cut down the view from the path looks across towards the Wye Valley

My route will follow the line of treess to the horizon, where it will be decision time.

Looking back across the moor towards Falling Edge.

Harland Edge, not an easy place to walk at this time of year as it is predominantly pathless.

Having reached Gibbet Moor it's time to make a decision, do I go for the easy option and follow the broad track around the edge

or see if there really is an obvious path across the moor to Umberley Brook?

I took a quick look at Bob Hurst's House whilst I made my mind up.

Needless to say the obvious path across the moor eventually disappeard and so it was a case of very, very carefully picking my way through the tussocks, ferns and moss.

For the second time that day the seemingly clear path off the moor soon disappeared and after more careful placing of the feet, this time to avoid bogs I, more by luck than judgement, arrived at the footbridge over Umberley Brook.

Following the footpath alongside Heathy Lea Brook was often a case of avoiding the thistles and nettles, neither of which I succeeded in doing.

Having finally found some flat ground I stopped for lunch, with views across to Birchen Edge.

A short climb later and a gap in the trees gives me a view across to Longstone Edge.

In the opposite direction you can now make out the Three Ships on Birchen Edge.

The path was covered with ferns, but to the left is a steep drop so yet again I paid attention to where my feet were going.

Finally clear of the ferns and Baslow looks a little closer now.

I have always loved the shape and location of this tree.

Although I think it looks more dramatic in winter.

I had planned on walking along the edge of Dobb Edge but the ferns put me off cutting across the field to the actual edge.

Instead I stayed on the nice and easy wide path that took me to the stile into the Chatsworth Estate.

Following the nice broad path towards the Hunting Tower.

Having decided not to visit the Hunting Tower I followed the path around towards Emperor Lake and was quite suprised when I suddenly had views across the valley. The last time I was here you couldn't access this area, I guess this new 'pool' is the reason why.

It's right next to Emperor Lake, which looks rather low.

Swiss Lake also looks rather low.

As I continue through the estate the sun finally makes an appearance.

Blue sky now I'm nearly at the end of the walk.

Looking along the Derwent Valley as I head across Rabbit Warren.

All that remains now is to negotiate the final stone stile of the day and follow the track back to the car.
All pictures copyright © Peak Walker 2006-2023